Cory Calvin
I was a corporate finance and strategy executive with Fortune 500 companies for over 16 years before leaving my job in to travel the world nonstop. I finally listened to my gut and realized that I was not living the life that I had wanted to live. While traveling to all seven continents, I discovered my higher purpose in life: to inspire other people to become their best self.
My mission is to inspire one million people in the world by the time I reach the age of 50 (I just started at 40). Check out my personal website to see how I am doing. And if I have inspired you, be sure to add yourself to my ongoing inspiration counter.
I now lead a location independent lifestyle. In ten months I completed my first book “I Almost Became Me: A Memoir” and I launched Pivot Trip, a transformational travel company, in May 2019 to inspire others to follow their passions in life.